Love Alarm is a South Korean drama TV show that is based on the Daum webtoon of the same title. The webtoon is the creation of Chon Kye-young. The show stars Kim So-Hyun, Jung Ga-ram, and Song Kang. On August 22, 2019, the show got into Netflix. The show was a big success back in 2019 and was one of Netflix’s greatest achievements. Well, the fans love the show and are coming back for a second season. On October 29th, 2019, the show was renewed. It was a big surprise for fans as the shoemakers made them instantly happy with the good news. Now, the big question is, during the Covid-19 pandemic, many series have stopped shooting. So, when will we see Love Alarm Season 2?
What Is The Future Of The “Love Alarm Season 2”?
Love Alarm Season 2 was renewed back in 2019. So, we will see the arrival of the new season. But, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, like every other show, this Korean drama too, went to a halt. The director of the show Lee Na-Jeong verifies that the next season is on its way. The script studying is already on the way since February this year. This means that there will definitely be a season 2. But, fan speculation says that due to the coronavirus outbreak, we cannot hope to see the shooting begin soon. At the very best, we can hope to see the series return in the year 2021 towards the end.
The Stars Of The Korean Drama?
Love Alarm Season 2 stars the very best of Korean actors. Every actor in the show has a separate fan base. All of them show much promise and talent and this is why the show is perfect in the total sense of the word. The cast listing is as follows:
- Kim So Hyun plays Kim Jo-jo
- Song Kang plays Hwang Sun-oh
- Jung Ga-ram plays Lee Hye-Yeong
- Z.Hera plays Kim Jung-go
- Lee Jae-Seung plays Cheong Duk Gu
- Kim Si-eun plays Lee Yuk-jo
The plot of the series is, as suggested by the name, is romantic in nature. The plot of the series is of course very intriguing and entertaining. The manager of the show is Kim Minyoung, who says that the show is very much except in terms of story-telling. There are also social issues that the series covers and consequently, the series transforms into the social issue. Gay rights, smartphone intrusion are some aspects that the show covers, and hence, we are waiting for the second season to come.