This Monday, 25 MPs, Seventeen Lok Sabha members, and eight from the Rajya Sabha have been tested positive for COVID. The test was made compulsory before the parliament monsoon session, sources said. Among the Lok Sabha MPs which are infected, 12 are from BJP, which is the most from any party. The YSR Congress has two MPs, the Shiv Sena, DMK, and RLP, all three have one each.
56 individuals diagnosed positive during the RT-PCR Tests led in the parliament building complex by September 12. The figure contains officials, media people, and MPs of Lok Sabha as well as Rajya Sabha.
Meenakshi Lekhi, one of the contaminated MPs, tweeted: “After the routine Parliament test for COVID & genome test it’s confirmed that I have tested positive for the virus. I am currently in good health & spirits. I request everyone who has been recently in contact with me to get tested. Together We will fight & defeat Corona.”
Sukanta Majumdar from BJP was the first to tweet his positive status of COVID yesterday. “Requesting all those who have come in close contact with me in the last few days to monitor their health and get tested in case of any symptoms,” was the statement of his tweet.
Around 200 out of 785 MPs are over the age of 65 years and are among the populace of having more danger against COVID.
Prior, at least seven Union priests and around 25 MPs and MLAs had gotten the infection. Among them was Amit Shah, Union home minister, who went through a careful clinical check-up before the parliament session began.
Recently, an MP and a few MLAs have passed on from this highly irresistible COVID.
The parliament meeting is being held in the midst of high-security measures and methods that incorporate seating of the MPs in offices of the two Houses to keep up physical distancing. A mobile application has been acquainted in order to register their attendance and seats in the house have been parted with poly-carbon sheets.
Om Birla, Lok Sabha Speaker said that an enormous number of MPs were present on the first day of the session. “It shows how solid the underlying foundations of democracy are. The MPs attending even in uncommon conditions is a big thing,” added the Speaker, and he sent special COVID kits to all MPs.
The kits, given by the Defence research association DRDO contains, disposal masks, N-95 masks, face shields, sanitisers, gloves, herbal disinfection wipes, and tea bags to improve immunity. Each kit additionally contains a COVID safety manual.