Narendra Modi, while addressing a gathering in Madhya Pradesh via video conferencing, alerted people to be more aware. Video conferencing session included housewarming congratulations to homes built in Madhya Pradesh under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. Earlier in September, India became the second-worst country to be affected by the COVID-19. The total number of cases reported surpassed 46,59,984, and the death toll reached 77,472. Clearly, the state of the coronavirus in India is not that good as it started out. Initially, we had good control over the COVID-19 but that was when the entire country was in lockdown. Now, as places are opening up, cases are also touching the roofs.
Slogan raised by PM Narendra Modi
On Saturday, Narendra Modi coined a new slogan which goes like this “Jab tak dawai nahi, tab tak dhilai nahi.” It basically translates as unless we have a medicine fro the coronavirus, we cannot be negligent. The statement was given on account of 1.75 lakh homes built in the rural areas in Madhya Pradesh.
The process of making an effective vaccine for this virus is under production. Various pharmaceutical companies are operating the human trials for the vaccine’s effectiveness. He also spoke, “Do gaj ki doori, mask hai jaroori.” This translates to “Maintain social distancing and out in masks at all times.” He, on the behalf of the entire government, stressed the importance of these two until a vaccination comes out.
What else did he talk about?
At the inauguration ceremony, PM Modi assured that even though the matters are grave in the country, the government is not neglecting its people. He said that despite the pandemic, 18 lakh homes were built under the housing scheme. Out of which, the government made 1.75 lakh homes in Madhya Pradesh in 45 to 60 days.
Ensuring housing for all. Watch. #PMGraminGrihaPravesh
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 12, 2020
He further expanded and talked about other primary necessities along with housing. He said, “There are two advantages of this work. First, it has employed the migrant laborers who had returned to their homes from different cites. Second, sellers of bricks, sand, and other construction resources have also benefited.”
He also targeted other governments and said that the colonies built by various governments weren’t effective. The governments made poor decisions in the house building context. He said that this was the reason people did not feel at home. According to his statements, the previous housing schemes did not provide transparency to all, but the current housing scheme ensures that the quality of homes is good and comfortable. He said that the current scheme is local, scientific, and transparent.
His video conferencing session was in the interest of the general public where he stressed the importance of basic necessities and the current situation. A vaccination may come till 2021 if Bharat Biotech’s and others’ vaccines prove to be effective for months.