Utopia Season 1 is an upcoming American drama web TV series on Prime Video. It is based on Dennis Kelly’s 2013 British Original show of the same name. The show has a talented creator behind it, who is, Gillian Flynn. What makes it different in the contemporary happenings is that it shows a cult comic book adaptation that correctly predicts a pandemic. Hence, the popularity of the show is more so fixed because of its relevance in the current times.
When will the show release?
The show is all set to hit Prime Video on September 25, 2020. So, mark your calendars because you are going to go into the world of dystopian drama pretty soon. Utopia Season 1 will run for eight episodes.
Who is in the cast of Utopia Season 1?
The cast includes some pretty talented and big names. So, we can expect the acting in the show to be impeccable and marking.
- Sasha Lane will play the role of Jessica Hyde
- Rainn Wilson as Micheal Stearns
- Dan Byrd in the role of Ian
- Javon Walton in the role of Grant
- Cory Micheal Smith will play the role of Thomas Christie
- Farrah Mackenzie as Alice
- John Cusack will play Dr. Kevin Christie
The plot of Utopia Season 1
The show will take us on a journey where threats to humanity are grave and real. The ragtag group realize that they are not just some conspiracies, rather they are real dangers. This will make them venture on an adventurous journey and bring them in front of the central character of Jessica Hyde. They will then, embark to find the solution to save the world.
The creator Gillian Flynn told Deadline that in this reboot Prime show, he wants lesser violence. He said, “I’m more ‘less is more’ as far as violence goes. I want to use violence when it’s effective ad appropriate. I don’t want it for a cartoon effect or for shock value.” Hence, we will see less blood and cuts. So, for people who are more on the sensitive meter, it will be a nice change.
The group will also be chased by trained killers who want to obtain the manuscript called ‘The Utopia Experiments‘. The Network will then tell them the gravity of the manuscript and how it has all the answers to save the human race. We hope that the show does not have the same fate as the British show. Thus, we can see Prime Video to be pretty cautious in making the show more accessible.