Succession is a satirical comedy-drama that is the creation of Jesse Armstrong. The series is premiered on June 3, 2018, on HBO. The series has already aired 2 seasons. The two previous seasons of Succession are available for binge-watching on Sky Atlantic and NOW TV and the audience are loving them. Now, the major question in the minds of those loving the series is when is it coming back. Succession Season 3 is coming soon as the show was postponed. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the production was put to a stop and hence, the delay. But, everything seems positive with the release of the third installment.
The Cast Of “Succession Season 3” :
The cast of Succession is very versatile and deserves the love it receives. Everyone that was in the lead roles would be returning. All the important people along a few more would be coming in this new season of Succession. The major actors in the series and the characters they play include:
- Brian Cox as Logan Roy who is the founder and head of entertainment media conglomerate Waystar Royco. The character is a brash leader and is very negligent towards his family. He has 4 children Connor, Kendall, Siobhan, and Roman. Currently, he is in a marriage relationship with his 3rd wife, Marcia.
- Jeremy Strong portrays Kendall Roy, who is the second son of Logan Roy, who is from the second wife of Logan and who is the natural heir to Logan’s fortunes. He has a very complex relationship with Rava and also is dealing with drug abuse.
There are many more versatile actors including Sarah Snook playing Siobhan “Shiv” Roy, Kieran Culkin playing Roman Roy, Matthew Macfadyen playing Tom Wambsgans, and Alan Ruck playing Connor Roy. These actors overall heighten the comic and dramatic elements of the series.
When Is The Season 3 Coming Out?
HBO gave an announcement back in March 2020, that the release and production are currently is put to rest. This is because of the COVID-19 lockdown. Hence, we should not expect the series to be back in action anytime soon. Succession Season 3 writers have completed the script and the storyline. This means that the series is still stuck in the pre-production phase and the showrunners are waiting for the lockdown to get over. HBO said in a statement :
“We are looking forward to resuming pre-production when it is safe and healthy for everyone working on our shows to do so. Where possible, our writers are continuing to write remotely.”