Fruits Basket Season 2 is a sweet romantic comedy slice of life anime series. The anime is inspired by a popular Japanese game played in elementary schools. The anime revolves around an orphan girl, Tohru Honda, who comes to know about the curse of the Soma family. the family is under the curse that if they are weak, stressed, or involved with the opposite gender, they get turned into Chinese Zodiac animals. She goes to the family and her healing nature gradually heals them. As the series continues, she also gets to know herself better.
The original anime adaptation came in 2001 which ran for 26 episodes. Then, in 2019, the current anime premiered on April 6, 2019. The series shows the traumatized characters in such an empathetic manner that we can feel their hardships as well. This series aims at completing Shoja manga which could not happen in 2001.
When will Fruits Basket Season 2 release?
The official website declared that Fruits Basket Season 2 will run fro 25 episodes. The second season aired on April 6, 2020. The first 23 episodes have premiered till now. The twenty-fourth episode will premiere on September 14 and the last episode will premiere on September 21, 2020.
If you are a Hulu viewer, you must be waiting for the second season to premiere there. The first season is on Hulu. However, Fruits Basket season 2 will air only after all the episodes air on TV. The first season was added in December 2019 when it ended on TV in September 2019. The same will follow with the second season.
Who’s who in this anime?
When it comes to the cast of anime, we are always curious to see the behind the scenes faces of the magic created. hence, the cast of Fruits Basket season 2 is as follows.
- Manaka Iwami / Laura Baileyas Tohru Honda
- Nobunaga Shimazaki/ Eric Vale as Yuki Soma
- Yuma Uchida/ Jerry Jewell as Kyo Soma
- Yûichi Nakamura/ John Burgmeier as Shigure Soma
- Megumi Han/ Mikaela Krantz as Momiji Soma
- Atsumi Tanezaki/ Jad Saxton as Saki Hanajima
- Kazayuki Okitsu/ Kent Williams as Hatori Soma
What will happen in the last two episodes of Fruits Basket season 2?
So, you have watched the 23 episodes and wondering what will you see in the final episodes. Well, we got you covered. In episode 24, we will find that the mysterious visitor is Kyo’s master and is not here for good intentions. He shows Tohru Kyo’s true form. Embarrassed, he runs away but Tohru follows him anyway. When she gets a hold of him, he tells her everything about his past, especially that with his mother.
In the final episode of the second season, Kyo comes back home to see that his master has left. Tohru also talks with the master and gets to know the past of their relationship. Meanwhile, Yuki struggles with his insecurities. As the summer approaches, they feel that something will change. However, what will change exactly awaits you in the third season. You can watch Fruits Basket Season 2 on Crunchyroll, Funimation, and VRV.