Released back in the fall of 2019, HBO’s Watchmen changed the perception of the superheroes. This show received a total of 26 Emmy Nominations, which is the highest number for any show. Watchmen continues HBO’s legacy of great shows such as Game of Thrones and Succession. The show is based on the comics by Alan Moore. It is illustrated by David Gibbons. The screen adaptation of the comic is created by Damon Lindelof. Damon is also the showrunner and writer of the show. He along with his team of writers narrates a very different story from the original comic. But Lindelof made sure that the legacy of the comic is maintained.
Season 1 was a giant success. Both the critics and viewers appreciated it alike. But regarding the renewal of the show, there are some doubts. We are not sure whether or not there will be a new season. Though not to forget that the creator of the Watchmen has been talking about season 2. But from all the chatter nothing is lucid and we can not conclude. In case there is a renewal, here is all that you need to know.
Will The Show Return For A New Season?
Despite receiving positive reviews from critics and fans, it is not likely there will be a renewal. Casey Bloy, HBO’s programming chief stated that the channel is ready for a Watchmen Season 2. But it seems like that the creator Lindelof is not at all interested. Lindelof opened up to USA Today and said that season 1 was all he wanted to say. And that’s why he considers the notion of Watchmen season 2. Further, Bloy quotes that it is not possible to create another installment without Damon Lindelof. So now fans have to hope that Lindelof agrees to it. Case Bloy said, “Where we left it with Damon was he’s thinking about what he wants to do and I’m taking his lead on that. If he has an idea that he’s excited about, then I’m excited; if he wants to do something else, then that’s what I want to do.”
So it seems like that the Watchmen season 2 is a dream far out of reach. Even though there are few cliffhangers of season. But now it depends on the mood of Damon Lindelof.
Watchmen Season 2: The Cast And The Stars
There are no announcements from the creator regarding this matter. But here is a list of all those who we can expect in ‘Watchmen Season 2’:
- Regina King as Angela Abar,
- Tim Blake Nelson,
- Jeremy Iron,
- Jean Smart,
- Yahya Abdul Matin,
- Adrian Weidt as Ozymandias,
- Lauri Blake as Silk Spector,
- and Doctor Manhattan.