The American superhero television series is coming back with Supergirl season 6. The show primarily airs on the CBS network. However, on May 6, 2015, the CW network officially picks up the show. it receives a massive order of a full season on November 30, 2015. And ever since then, from the second season onwards the show airs on CW. Besides, the network renews the show for its sixth season in January 2020. However, fans will have to wait a little longer than usual to watch the show. The series is from the DC Universe that will miss its October slot on CW for season 6. This means that fans watching it on Netflix will be able to see it much later than usual. Season one to five of Supergirl is streaming across 24 Netflix regions around the globe. Therefore here is everything you need to know about the show. Keep on reading to know more.
Supergirl Season 6 Release Date
The official announcement for season 6 of the show came out in January 2020. All other Arrowverse shows also receive its renewal during this time. However, it is precisely unclear as to when the show will release. The CW network is possibly delaying all its shows for 2021 Spring. Besides, due to the global coronavirus pandemic, all productions are currently on hold. Supergirl can also possibly face a little more delay than Spring 2021. This is because Melissa Benoist is currently pregnant with her first child. So the show is allowing her to have enough time to deliver and recover before coming back to work. Since she is the main protagonist, her health is the supreme priority.
Will It Be On Netflix?
Season one to five is already on Netflix. In the United States, the episodes air one week after its original release. Season five came out on Netflix on May 25, 2020, after its finale on May 17, 2020, in CW. However, for season 6 the delay can be a little longer. If the original comes out in early 2021, then we can expect the show to be available on Netflix by the mid of 2021. But given the situation, we can expect to see the show by the end of next year at the earliest.
Supergirl Season 6 Plot
In season 5 we saw Kara Zor-El facing new challenges along with her allies. Besides, the original finale was rewritten at the last minute. So it is not possible to predict any new story as of now. However, John Cryer (Lex Luthor) says that the new future scenes are written around the finale. In the finale, Lex Luthor appears to be a hero rather than a criminal mastermind. So all we can expect is for Supergirl to face some new challenges.