El Dragon Season 3, or El dragon: Return of a Warrior, is a Spanish-language crime drama for televisions and Univision. The show premiered on September 30, 2019, on Univision. It started streaming internationally on Netflix from October 2019. The first season is listed in the top 10 most-watched programs on Netflix in Mexico. The series revolves around Miguel Garza who is obnoxious and narcissistic. He can’t get over his good looks. Besides, he is also smart and industrious. He thinks he can conquer anything but doesn’t realize when ambition becomes his worst enemy. There is a lot on his plate, and as the show progresses, we see tons of personal development in his character.
El Dragon is referred to as a Spanish version of ‘Breaking Bad’. You see tons of everyday issues in the show, be it murder, addiction, drugs, or other fast-paced activities.
What is the future of El Dragon Season 3?
We all want to know whether we will see El Dragon Season 3. The second season concluded on January 20, 2020. Since then, we have not heard from Netflix about any verdict. We are still waiting. If the makers are planning to release the third season, we can hear from the by the end of 2020. If everything goes well, we can get a third season in 2022.
Who will star in the third season?
We don’t have any news about the third season. Hence, we can assume that we will see the same cast. We will see Sebastian Rulli playing the role of Miguel Garza, Renata Notni as Adela Cruz, and Roberto Mateos as Epigmenio Moncada. In addition to that, we will also see Irina Baeva in the role of Jimena Ortiz, Cassandra Sanchez Navarro as Chisca Garza. The makers, hopefully, should keep the rest of the characters too in El Dragon Season 3. Every show makes an impression due to the fine choice of actors, so we don’t hope the makers to change it.
The plot of El Dragon Season 3
In the previous seasons, we saw Miguel taking over the family business in Mexico after he finds out that his grandfather has Alzheimer’s disease. He vigorously adapts to a new financial lifestyle. The third season will also focus on his growth. However, we can still expect several setbacks to be placed in his path. We can see more of Italians and Russians to pose illegal work ways for him. Miguel will definitely fight for his authority and he will achieve it, no matter what.
We expect to see 38-44 episodes in El Dragon Season 3 as well. The makers will have to devote their time and attention to the show to bring out the hottest and fiercest version of Miguel ever.