“Grace and Frankie” is an American sitcom comedy show that has won thousands of hearts. A Netflix Original created by Marta Kauffman and Howard J.Morris, this show is a complete package of everything you need to turn your day on. With its vibrant themes and fantastic storyline, the series has managed to gather up a huge fanbase. And, not forgetting the fact that the show “Grace and Frankie” has bagged many nominations and awards including the Golden Globes Award nomination and five times primetime Emmy award nominations.
The series is always renewed for its next season and that makes it one of the longest-running shows on Netflix. And, now it is back with its seventh season. We are here to tell you every detail you need to know about the upcoming season.
Grace and Frankie: What about the production of the final season?
The show has focused on the LGBTQ community and is widely loved by everyone. Starring Brooklyn Decker as Mallory Hanson, Ethan Embry as Coyote Bergstein, June Diana Raphael as Brianna Hanson, and Baron Vaughn as Bud Bergstein, the show won several fans because of its impactful cast members.
The series is created by Marta Kauffman and Howard J. Morris and they have quoted “It’s thrilling and somehow fitting, that our show about the challenges; as well as the beauty and dignity of ageing, will be the oldest show on Netflix.” And, they have also confirmed that they are going to take extra-cautious measures; to shoot the final season amid corona virus crisis. But it is also true that the filming of the show has not started yet because of the corona virus pandemic everywhere. And, show’s c-creator Marta Kauffman has stated that the filming of the series would not begin until 2021.
We need to wait for a little for everything to begin again.
Grace and Frankie: What the show is about?
As we mentioned earlier the show has given a voice to the LGBTQ community. The story of the show revolves around Grace and Frankie;who know each other since long due to the long-standing friendship between their husbands.
But, one day this long-standing friendship comes out as a relationship. The two men admit that they are gay and are in love with each other and they wish to live as a couple. This affects the whole life of the two women and they are left to live on their own. But, they together cop up with this adversity of their life.
Stay Tuned!