“My Hero Academia” is another most-loved Superhero Japanese Manga Series. Directed by Kenji Nagasaki and produced by Studio Bones, this anime series managed to develop a considerable fanbase. It is still counted as one of the most beloved Japanese series in the animation world. The anime has taken inspiration from the superhero comics of Marvel and DC. The series received massive appreciation from all around the world, both from its audience and critics. The anime series, too, has bagged many nominations and awards and is one of the best series on Netflix.
Now, the infamous show is back with its next i.e., its fifth season, and all the fans out there are super excited for it. Well, we are here with all the information you need to know about the upcoming season of the show. Let’s take a quick look at all of them.
My Hero Academia Season 5: When is it going to release?
The debut season of the show aired on 3rd April 2016 and continued with 13 episodes. Soon, its second season came out on 1st April 2017. And, the fourth season aired on 12th October 2019. The seasons were a hit, and now we are here discussing its upcoming fifth season. There are no official announcements about the release of the fifth season of the show, but the good news is that the production is going on for the next season.
There was a delay because of the coronavirus pandemic, but now it is back to work. And, we can expect the fifth season to come out in 2021.
My Hero Academia Season 5: Who all are in for the screening?
We may get to see many of them from the previous season reprising their roles:
- Lzuku Mariya
- Tenya Lida
- Minoru Mineta
- Katsuki Bakugo
- Shinya Kamihara
And, many more exciting names will be revealed with time.
My Hero Academia Season 5: What will be the story?
The story of the anime series revolves around a boy named Lzuku, who doesn’t have any superpowers, but his dream is to become a superhero.
There are no official announcements made about the plot of the fifth season of the show. But, we can blindly sure that the series is again going to come back with a fantastic design and concept. We might get to see the struggle of Lzuku against the evil.
Whatever comes up, we are sure of one thing that the plot is going to be super engaging and exciting.
Stay Tuned for further updates!