Big Little Lies Season 3, Big Little Lies is an American dark comedy-drama created by David E. Kelley, and the first season premiered on HBO on February 19, 2017. The first season made its presence known among the audience for its storyline and its unmatched cast. Season 2 aired on June 9, 2019. Both the seasons touched burgher topics, like unabridged marriage and contemporary time. There is no doubt as to why it is rated 8.5 by IMDB and 89% by Rotten Tomatoes.
An adaptation of a book of the same name, Big Little Lies, is set in the town near the seaside in California. It surrounds the prestigious well-off mothers and the lies they constructed in the community, big or small, backfired, and trapped them in a murder investigation. The show intimately talks to us by rendering us a clear picture of every incident, what caused it, and how to get away from it.
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Will there be a Big Little Lies Season 3 This Year?
The production for the second season started in March 2018. That is a whole year in advance of its premiere. It is also one year after the airing of the first season. If we construe something based on this, we will say that there isn’t any season coming up at least until 2022. Why? Because if anything were going on behind the scenes, HBO would have announced it, and we don’t hear anything from the distributor yet. This means that it will take them at least a year to start the production for Season 3. The sluggishness is due to the entertainment industry slow-down.
There were also rumors that the show has been snatched from Andrea Arnold’s creative hold. So, if there isn’t any director finalized, that can be a further delay.
Who will be in the third season?
The second season was graced with some prominent actresses of Hollywood who made the show extremely popular. If Big Little Lies Season 3 happens, the plausible cast will include:
- Reese Witherspoon as Madeline Mackenzie
- Nicole Kidman as Celeste Wright
- Shailene Woodley as Jane Chapman
- Alexander Skarsgård as Perry Wright
- Adam Scott as Ed Mackenzie
- Zoë Kravitz as Bonnie Carlson
- James Tupper as Nathan Carlson
- Meryl Streep as Mary Louise Wright
- Laura Dern as Renata Klein
What can we expect to see in the third season of Big Little Lies?
The second season ended well …. quite astonishingly unusual. Bonnie confessed that she was the one who pushed Perry down the stairs. The Monterey five finally got free of their big lie. Madeline and Ed were ready to live together again after the renewal of their vows, while Celeste stayed with her kids. We saw that Renata ended it with her husband, and Jane began confiding in Corey.
Even though there was some relaxation for the characters, there were questions that floated to the surface too. What would happen after Bonnie’s confession? Will Madeline and Ed live happily? What more lies will they make up to cover up their lies?
These questions will be answered in Big Little Lies Season 3. We’ll know how the women finally get peace or if they get it. The third season is nowhere in the news, but humans have a wish.Â
“A perfect life is a perfect lie.”