On Tuesday, the Tamil Nadu Government prolonged the existing lockdown to October 31 with further relaxation and put an end to its earlier order asking students from Class X to Class XII to voluntarily pursue guidance from their teachers on October 1 by going to school.
The government’s decision to delay plans to encourage students to go to school on a voluntary basis and cast doubt on the part of their teachers was accompanied by resistance from parents who had refused to send their homes to educational institutions.
“Based on feedback from the meeting with the collectors and the medical team, considering the current spread of the pandemic and the safety of students, the GO would encourage students to voluntarily seek guidance from teachers, “said Chief Minister K Palaniswami.
While some schools had requested parents to comply with the government’s request, several declined, citing a threat from the pandemic to their home in the light of increasing coronavirus cases.
“The government does not want to put young people’s lives at risk,” said a senior official at the State Secretariat.
On Tuesday, Tamil Nadu reported 5,546 new Covid-19 cases and 70 fatalities, with a total of 5,91,943 infections in the state, including 9,453 deaths.
Palaniswami, who conducted a virtual meeting with district collectors and senior officials and discussed the situation resulting from the pandemic, announced an extension of the lock-up to 31 October.
In a tweet, he said the limits will continue in the containment areas.
Educational colleges, entertainment centers, and libraries will remain closed, and local rail services will be discontinued.
However, the number of domestic flights to Chennai airport will double to one hundred a day, he added.
Cinema massacres will be allowed to occur but with a ceiling of 100 spectators at a time. Tea shops and restaurants are allowed to run from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. and take-away facilities are allowed after 10 p.m.
He said that government and government-affiliated organizations should work in accordance with standard operating procedures.