Golden Kamuy (also known as Gōruden Kamui in Japanese) is an anime television series based on a manga series by the same name. Founded and drawn by Satoru Noda, the Manga series was first released on 21 August 2014. A few years later, Geno Studio’s anime studio announced plans to turn the manga series into a TV series, and Season 1 of the show premiered on April 9, 2018.
Season 1 was a success for source material enthusiasts and new audiences alike, and a special original video animation (OVA) episode was released on September 19, 2018, shortly after the completion of Season 1. Less than a month after the announcement of the OVA, Golden Kamuy’s Season 2 premiered on October 8, 2018. Since then, viewers of the show have been waiting to hear the news of the third season. Here’s what we hear about the future of Season 3 so far.
Release Date
Golden Kamuy season 2 premiered on October 8, 2018, and aired until December 24, 2018. Months after, another episode of OVA was released on March 19, 2019. A few months after that, the OVA episode was released on September 19, 2019.
Any time around the release of OVA, it was announced that Golden Kamuy had been renewed for the third season. As it happens, there was already ample raw material for the third season, and Season 2 left audiences with an exciting finish, hinting at another season.
Thus, though no official release date has been released, our best estimate is that the Golden Kamuy season 3 release date could come sometime in September 2020. We keep our ears open for some news and update this segment as soon as we find anything credible.
The Golden Kamuy activities took place in the wake of the Russo-Japanese War, which lasted from 1904 to 1905, and the show follows the story of Sugimoto Saichi, a Russian-Japanese war veteran.
The protagonist, Sugimoto, had fought valiantly in the Russo-Japanese War and had been awarded the moniker “Immortal Sugimoto” for his courage on the battlefield. However, Sugimoto was far from the concept of a “fighter,” and he was disheartened by the Japanese army for attempting to kill a senior officer.
The show continues after Sugimoto’s dismissal from the army and tracks him as he goes to the harsh terrain of Hokkaido in search of gold so that he can fulfil the vow he made to the missing brother-in-arms. Sugimoto’s quest for gold is not driven by greed, but instead the wealth he tries to discover is intended for his dead comrade’s widowed wife. Despite Sugimoto’s pure motives, his quest for gold has been fruitless for a long time … until he encounters a mysterious man who tells him an urban legend about a lost treasure.
Legend has it that a hoard of gold belonging to Ainu, the indigenous people of Hokkaido, was robbed by a thief some time ago and buried in a secret location. However, the best way to locate a location is by tracing together a map that is not made up of parchments but is made up of tattoos of escaping convicts.
When Sugimoto came to realize this, he teamed up with a young Ainu girl named Asirpa and set out to look for fugitive convicts so that he could get their signatures, and eventually a map of fortune. However, Sugimoto’s journey does not prove to be a walk in the forest, and he and Asirpa must face several obstacles, the least of which are other soldiers and mercenaries who are also hunting for gold. With the aid of Asirpa ‘s native knowledge of the land, Sugimoto thus starts an epic journey marked by retribution, murder, and greed.