Instagram Has A Bug Which Can Danger Your Account!

Must Read

Our life is changing very fast. Technology and science are making it change on every step. Social media had become a part of our life. Everyone is surfing blogging and even earning their way through it. Instagram Twitter is becoming something that everyone using to keep informed. They are also using to socialize in the whole world. But some are also misusing it. Living a double life to entertain themselves or to troll others.

Although, as much as these social media apps look tasty to use, it had its own demerits. Yeah, recently there is a bug discovered on Instagram that can help hackers to control anyone accounts, which is dangerous in many ways.

What We Know About The Bug

Bug on Instagram

On The Instagram 

Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms. People use it to socialize, to make friends, to promote, and to even do the business. And it’s privacy and security policy helps the people to trust it to use it. But recently there is disturbing news regarding the security of the Instagram. Yeah, checkpoint recent discovery has discovered a bug in which hackers can use an image file to get access to your Instagram all direct messages, posts from your account, and even your location.

And according to the checkpoint, once an account is compromised the user’s app will keep crashing until the app will be uninstalled with full data erase and restored. Seeing the article nature of the situation Facebook had already taken a step about this bug six months ago. The flaw had affected the both Android and iOS apps of Instagram. The big was discovered by the checkpoint when their researcher were exploring the potential vulnerabilities on the app.

The Mechanism Of This Bug

The big lay in the apps open-source JPEG image decoder Mozjpeg. And to carry out the hacks, hackers simply sent Instagram users a JPEG image file. Then if users who do not notice open and download the file and open the app again, the remote access tool RAT malware comes into the effect and the attackers can have their way in into the account of the users. And everything permitted on the app will get vulnerable like location, pictures, numbers etc.

However, seeing the situation Facebook is already taking several steps to clear the bug. And ensure the absolute security and the privacy of one of the most used apps.

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