China Blocking Lawsuits Against Corona Virus And Advertising Injustice 

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Undeniably, the novel corona virus had claimed many lives and destroyed many happy families. The falling of the global economy is one thing but hospital hallways full of cries are something other. The first horrific spread happened in Spain. Many pics depicting how bodies were simply thrown instead of burying horrified the world. But that’s the sad truth. Though many deaths were due to COVID yet some of them were also due to insufficient hospital equipment. This is what happened in the country which was the epicenter of the novel coronavirus.

Government Of China Blocks Corona Virus Lawsuit.

Zohan Hannene (67) survived one of the worst nightmares a parent could imagine. She lost her son to the corona virus. She wants to blame the local government for his son’s death. And therefore she filed a lawsuit. But the lawsuit got suddenly rejected. Not only her many others are warned against approaching the law. Lawyers are asked (to be truly forced) not to help any of such people.
Indeed, the Government of China didn’t reveal the truth of the corona virus until it was out of control. According to certain reports, the virus was spreading in the mainland since November of 2019. Thereof, people blame the government for the death of their loved ones. Zhong said,
“They say the epidemic was a natural calamity. But these serious outcomes are man-made, and you need to find who’s to blame. Our family is shattered. I can never be happy again”.
Zhang Hai’s elderly father died of COVID. He stated that at least 5 lawsuits have been filed with Wuhan Intermediate Court. Zhang has emerged as a vocal advocate and spokesman for victims of the virus. Plaintiffs are demanding 2 million yuans and a public apology for their pain.
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Yang Zhanqing stated that the court is rejecting their suits in ” unspecified procedural ground”. Yang is a veteran Chinese activist who now lives in the US.

What Else?

The virus broke out last year in Wuhan. But the authority didn’t let the news to be out of the system. The Communist Party is still giving no regard for responsibility. But Zhong altogether tells a very different story.
By the beginning of January, the virus was rapidly spreading in the city. But the officials did raise the citywide alarm. The Lunar New Year festival got extended. And as a result, millions left Wuhan for holidays carrying the virus across the borders. Zhong added,
“We had no idea the buses were full of the virus… So we went out every day. We didn’t even know about masks, “.
It was only on January 24 when Wuhan started locking down the entire city. And by the end, the Chinese government accepted that an invisible enemy has attacked. But till then it was too late. An epidemic turned to a pandemic.

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